

Shortly before Washington’s army left Valley Forge in June 1778, it was organized into five divisions, as seen below.

3rd Connecticut Regiment, 1778 by Don Troiani


Lee’s Division

Mifflin’s Division

Lafayette’s Division

De Kalb’s Division

Stirling’s Division





The artillery and cavalry were not attached to any division.

Maxwell’s Brigade left in May 1778 for operations in New Jersey.

Monthly Strength Reports

Month Fit for Duty Assigned Died Deserted Discharged Enlisted
DEC 12501 14892 88 129 25 74
JAN 7950 18197 0 0 0 0
FEB 6264 19264 209 147 925 240
MAR 5642 18268 399 181 261 193
APR 10826 19055 384 188 116 1279
MAY 13321 21802 374 227 170 1004
JUNE 13751 22309 220 96 112 924
Totals     1674 968 1609 3714
Ref: C.H. Lesser – The Sinews of Independence, Monthly Strength Reports of the Continental Army


Painting courtesy of Don Troiani, www.historicalimagebank.com