Shortly before Washington’s army left Valley Forge in June 1778, it was organized into five divisions, as seen below.
The artillery and cavalry were not attached to any division.
Maxwell’s Brigade left in May 1778 for operations in New Jersey.
Monthly Strength Reports
Month | Fit for Duty | Assigned | Died | Deserted | Discharged | Enlisted |
DEC | 12501 | 14892 | 88 | 129 | 25 | 74 |
JAN | 7950 | 18197 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
FEB | 6264 | 19264 | 209 | 147 | 925 | 240 |
MAR | 5642 | 18268 | 399 | 181 | 261 | 193 |
APR | 10826 | 19055 | 384 | 188 | 116 | 1279 |
MAY | 13321 | 21802 | 374 | 227 | 170 | 1004 |
JUNE | 13751 | 22309 | 220 | 96 | 112 | 924 |
Totals | 1674 | 968 | 1609 | 3714 |
Painting courtesy of Don Troiani, www.historicalimagebank.com